Product Description
MB-15AK MIG/MAG Welding Torch
Length : Around 10 ft
1)In accordance with IEC 60974-7 norm.
2)A sturdy torch that combines the qualitties of compatctness and light weight with great reliability.
3)Ergonomic handle.
4)Articulation to ease handling
Specifications :
Duty cycle 60%, 180 A CO2, 150 A Mixed gases
Wire- Ø mm: 0.6 ·0.8·0.9·1.0
3meter cable with european connection.
This Mig gun can be used for MIG/MAG welding machines such as MIG/NBC-200S,MIG/NBC-200Y,MIG/NBC-200F ,MIG/NBC-200S,MIG/NBC-200Y,MIG/NBC-200F,MIG/NBC-250Y,MIG/NBC-250F etc.