Common Mode Inductors for Switching Power Supplies Common mode inductors, also called common mode chokes, are commonly used in switching power supplies for computers to filter common mode electromagnetic interference signals. In board design, common mode inductors also play a role in EMI filtering and are used to suppress electromagnetic waves generated by high-speed signal lines from radiating outward. Common mode inductor a ferrite core common mode interference suppression device, it is composed of two coils of the same size and the same number of turns symmetrically wound on the same ferrite toroidal core, forming a four-terminal device, common mode inductor plays a role in impeding the AC current. For plug-in inductors, we generally see more of the UU type and EE type and ring type, etc.


Supply Choke Coil Inductor
Air Core Inductor Coils
High Current Inverter Inductor
T25*15*13 Toroidal Wirewound Inductors
T18*10*8 high current coil inductor
High Power Vertical Toroidal Inductor
Horizontal Ferrous Silicon Aluminum Toroidal Inductors
High Power Ferrous Silicon Aluminum Toroidal Inductor
T14*9*5 high frequency toroidal inductor
T25*15*13 Toroidal Common Mode Inductor
High Power Inverter/Filter Inductor
Iron-Silicon Aluminum Differential Mode Inductors

Shenzhen Sichuangge Magneto-electric Co. , Ltd

Shenzhen Sichuange Magneto Electric Co., LTD., founded in 2018, is located in Fubilan Pengzhou Scien…

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