Crystal potassium nitrate for glass and ceramics industry:In glass and ceramic manufacturing, potassium nitrate can be used as a component of glaze to improve the gloss and color of the product.
Potassium nitrate crystals, with the chemical formula KNO₃, is an inorganic compound that belongs to the salt group. It usually appears as white or slightly yellowish crystals, is hygroscopic, and is stable at room temperature, but may explode at high temperatures or when subjected to impact or friction. The solubility of potassium nitrate crystals in water increases significantly with temperature and its aqueous solution is neutral.
Potassium nitrate is widely used in agriculture as a raw material for potash fertilizers and compound fertilizers, as it contains two nutrients, nitrogen and potassium, which are required by plants. In addition, potassium nitrate is used in industries such as the manufacture of gunpowder, fireworks, matches, ceramic glazes and glass. In the food industry, potassiu…