Tungsten alloy rods are commonly used in oil logging applications due to their high density and strength. These rods are typically used to measure and record data during oil exploration and well logging processes. The high density of tungsten alloy rods allows them to penetrate deep into the earth's surface, providing accurate measurements of the geological formations and properties of the oil reservoir. This information is crucial for determining the potential productivity and characteristics of the oil well. Tungsten alloys rod for oil logging are also highly resistant to corrosion and wear, making them ideal for use in harsh drilling environments. Their strength and durability ensure that they can withstand the high pressures and temperatures encountered during oil logging operations. Furthermore, tungsten alloy rods can be easily machined and threaded to fit various logging tools and equipment. They can be customized to meet specific requirements and provide reliable and preci…


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Zhuzhou Jiuding Metal Technology Co., Ltd.

Established in 2001, Zhuzhou Jiuding Metal Technology Co., Ltd is a professional joint venture compa…

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