What is red flood barrier or flood boxwall and their advantages? Red water baffles or flood barriers are commonly used in urban flood control, and their water blocking principles and usage are different from stainless steel and aluminum alloy water baffles. However, the environmental conditions for using water baffles are the same, and they must be installed and used on flat ground. The water blocking principle of red water baffles is mainly to change the direction of water flow, and water is invisible. As long as a waterway is built, it can change the flow direction, The use of red flood control water baffles is based on this principle, which can adjust the water flow to the designated position. Red water flood boxwall The red water baffle L-shaped ABS plastic water baffle is a movable water baffle, which is a temporary flood control board that can be supported and stood alone. The frictional force caused by the directional pressure of large water to press the flood co…


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Denilco Environmental technology(Suzhou)Co., Ltd.

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