Description: 1. Heavy-duty, all steel construction, offers excellent burglary protection, the inside dimensions: 16.8 x 14.8 x 7.8" 2. Standard hotel configuration: customer sets new combination, quickly and easily, every time the safe is used. 3. Large LED display lets you know the status of the safe. 4. The electronic lock can be set so that the safe opens by either: (1)  entering your passcode on the digital keypad; or (2) using the included mechanical override key. 5. 2 bolts included for installation. 6. Lock-out penalty. If the wrong combination is consecutively entered, the safe will lock up for 15 minutes, frustrating would-be burglars. Attractive carpeted bottom hides anchor bolts. This safe is a great choice for individuals who need to protect cash, jewelry, laptops, and other small valuables in their home or apartment. This safe is also an excellent choice for hotels, universities, and hospitals looking for a reliab…


Fireproof digital gun safes rifles and shotgun safes
Fingerprint  Electrical Password Key Locks Safe
High security electronic fingerprint  jewellery safes
High Quality Electronic Biometric Fingerprint Safe
Fingerprint lock with stronger solid safes
Colorful fingerprint safe security biometric safe
Digital Depository Safe  Cash Drop Safe Boxs
Office document metal money safety box safe
Fireproof safe small mini security safe
RJ11 Economical Money Cash Drawer
Pos cash drawer metal cash register box
Big office safe security fingerprint lock box lock

Ningbo Reliance Security Technology CO.,Ltd

Ningbo Xinren Security Technology company offers a variety of different safe sizes with a comprehens…

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