The electromagnetic flowmeter has a standard RS-485 communication interface, using Modbus-RTU standard protocol, and can collect instantaneous flow, instantaneous flow velocity, accumulative flow and other parameters.
The electromagnetic flow meters are battery powered supplies.
Technical parameters
The Modbus protocol of the electromagnetic flowmeter uses function code No. 04 to read the data, supporting the baud rate is 1200,2400,4800,9600,19200.
Serial port parameters are as follows: 1 start bit,8 data bit, 1 stop bit, N None Calibration.
Networking Description:
Electromagnetic flowmeter standard MODBUS communication network is a bus type network structure, supporting 1 to 99 electromagnetic flowmeter networks.The standard communication connection medium is a twisted pair shield.
The farthest electromagnetic flowmeter of the network usually needs a parallel connection 120Ω …