An integrated circuit enclosure is a type of shell used to protect integrated circuit chips. Its main function is to provide physical protection while ensuring the proper operation and stable performance of the integrated circuit. First, IC housings are usually made of plastic or ceramic materials. These materials have good insulating properties, which can block external electromagnetic radiation and electrostatic interference and protect the integrated circuit from damage. In addition, plastic housings have a lower cost and lighter weight, making it easier to manufacture and use integrated circuits. Secondly, the design of the IC housing takes into account the need for heat dissipation. Integrated circuits generate a certain amount of heat during operation, which, if not dissipated in a timely manner, can lead to excessive temperatures and affect the performance and life of the circuit. Therefore, the housing is usually equipped with heat dissipation structures such as hea…


Molybdenum Tube and Mandrel Shalfs
Multilayer material molybdenum and copper
3D printing materials Production units
Exploring the Versatile Applications of Tungsten Heavy Alloy
Specialized High Gravity Kinetic Material Processing
Kinetic Materials Production Processing Guaranteed
Molybdenum-copper alloy customizable gold-plated parts
CSOP48 Packages for Integrated Circuits
CSOP28 Ceramic Compact Housings
48PIN Packages for Wireless Communications
Wireless Microwave Power Housings
Optical communication encapsulation shell gold finger

Shaanxi Xinlong Metal Electro-mechanical Co., Ltd.

Founded in 2002 in the historic and culturally rich city of Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, Shaanxi Xinl…

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