Orange honey is best to use every morning, one tea spoon before breakfast (if needed use more), or dissolved in warm water, milk, tea, or even better in apple vinegar. It is recommended to use it with chamomile tea, because it increases the effect of tea and honey.
Orange Blossom Honey Raw
Free of residues and antibiotics, GMO free.Free adulteration.
Moisture:max 18%
HMF:max 15mg/kg
Diastase:min 10
Sucrose:max 5%
Reducing Sugar:min 70%
Ash:max 0.6%
Yeast :max 500.000/10g
Glycerin:max 300 mg/kg
Proline > 200 mg/kg
Electrical conductivity:max 0.8mS/cm
Free acid:max 40mmol/kg
C13: more than negative than -23.5 and protein difference max 1
CDF:max10ppb  …