P30 Bone Conduction Headset P30 Bone conduction headset noise cancelling sweat proof bone conduction headphones Bone conduction headset is an advanced headphone technology that converts sound into mechanical vibrations of different frequencies that are transmitted directly to the hearing center. Compared with the traditional sound conduction mode which generates sound wave through diaphragm, bone conduction eliminates many steps of sound wave transmission and can achieve clear sound restoration in noisy environment. The principle of bone conduction earphone is that sound is transmitted to the human body's temporal bone through vibration, and then transmitted to the inner ear, so that people can get the perception of sound. Specifically, the vibrating part of a bone-conduction headset consists of a vibrator and a bone-conduction plate, which converts electrical signals into mechanical vibrations that are then transmitted to the human body's temporal bone via t…


Z10 Bluetooth Bone Conduction Headset
Z18 Bone Conduction Headphones
R18 Wireless Swimming Bone Conduction Earphones
Z8 Wireless Sports Bone Conduction Sport Headphone
M1 Lite Bone Conduction Bluetooth Headset
Z16 Outdoor Sports Bone Conduction Headphones
Z9 CSR BT 5.0 sport Bone conduction headphones

Shenzhen Lonfine Innovation Technology Co., Ltd

SHENZHEN LONFINE INNOVATION TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, was founded in June 2015. Its R&D and Marketing…

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