Little Radish and Pickled Cabbage is a renowned Korean specialty kimchi, also affectionately known by its primary ingredient, Little Radish. This distinctive kimchi is celebrated for its unique and invigorating flavor profile, making it a beloved dish among Korean cuisine enthusiasts.   The star of this kimchi is the Little Radish, a vegetable known for its natural crispness and refreshing taste. When prepared for kimchi, the Little Radish undergoes a meticulous pickling process. This involves salting the radish to draw out excess moisture, which not only preserves its crunchy texture but also enhances its inherent flavors. The pickling process transforms the Little Radish into an even more tantalizingly crispy and delicious treat.   But the magic doesn't stop there. After pickling, the Little Radish is seasoned with a blend of traditional Korean spices that elevate its flavor to new heights. Key seasonings include chili powder, garlic, and ginger. Each of these ingre…


Spicy Chinese cabbage in a jar
Spicy pickled dried radish
Fruity spicy Chinese cabbage.
Korean-style pickled radish cubes
Korean-style spicy Chinese cabbage
Spicy pickled chives from Yanbian
Pickled spicy small green peppers
Dishes with soy sauce flavor
Spicy peppers in sauce from Yanbian.
Spicy mixed cherry blossom vegetables
Spicy mixed perilla leaves
Spicy pickled dried radish.

Yanbian Jingangshan Food Co., Ltd

Yanbian Jingangshan Food Co., Ltd. was established in April 2003, located in the International Airpo…

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