What is UHMW-PE? UHMW-PE, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, is defined by 1S021304-1:2019 aspolyethylene materialshaving a melt mass-fow rate (lMFR) of less than 0.1a/10min, mea-sured at 190'c and 21.6 ka load.The abovedefinition of UHMW-PE by melt mass-flow rate, is a correlated by-product ofmolecular weight, where a specificaccepted testing method can be found as in ASTM D1601-2012 and 1S01628-3.UHMWPE pipe, is classified by viscosity molecular weight of UHMWPE resin it manufac-tured from, according toChina Standard QB/T 2668.1-2017, UHMWPE pipe with its resinviscosity molecular weight above than 200x10*.   HDPE (High Density Polyethylene): 100.000-400.000 molecular weight. UHMW-PE (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene):>2,000,000 molecular weight.   UHMW-PE pipes are extruded with UHMW-PE resin of which the viscosity molecular weightabove than2.000,000, The higher the molecular weight is, the more wear resistanceUHMWPE pipe is, and the moredifficult to be e…


UHMWPE Tailings pipes
UHMWPE Tailings pipes
Wear resistant UHMW-PE pipe
Wear resistant UHMW-PE pipe
Large diameter reinforced polyethylene wear-resistant pipe
Large diameter reinforced polyethylene wear-resistant pipe
Polyethylene wear-resistant pipe for conveying sediment
Reinforced polyethylene composite pipe for conveying tailings
Reinforced polyethylene composite pipe for conveying tailings
Steel pipe lined with UHMW-PE pipe
Steel pipe lined with UHMW-PE pipe
Special wear-resistant pipes for rollers


  Shandong Eastern Pipe Co., Ltd. is a wholy-owned subsidianry of Shandong lron and Steel Group…

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