What is UHMW-PE?
UHMW-PE, ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, is defined by 1S021304-1:2019 aspolyethylene materialshaving a melt mass-fow rate (lMFR) of less than 0.1a/10min, mea-sured at 190'c and 21.6 ka load.The abovedefinition of UHMW-PE by melt mass-flow rate, is a correlated by-product ofmolecular weight, where a specificaccepted testing method can be found as in ASTM D1601-2012 and 1S01628-3.UHMWPE pipe, is classified by viscosity molecular weight of UHMWPE resin it manufac-tured from, according toChina Standard QB/T 2668.1-2017, UHMWPE pipe with its resinviscosity molecular weight above than 200x10*.
HDPE (High Density Polyethylene): 100.000-400.000 molecular weight.
UHMW-PE (ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene):>2,000,000 molecular weight.
UHMW-PE pipes are extruded with UHMW-PE resin of which the viscosity molecular weightabove than2.000,000, The higher the molecular weight is, the more wear resistanceUHMWPE pipe is, and the moredifficult to be e…