Pure Total Chlorogenic Acid Green Coffee Bean Extract
Coffee Beans Function:
Losing weight.
Anti-virus; anti-bacteria; anti-cancer; anti-aging; anti-infectious.
Lowering toxicity.
Lowering blood pressure.
Reducing the risk of diabetes.
Help with muscle fatigue for athletes and bodybuilders.
Green Coffee Extract
Green coffee bean has strong anti-oxidant
properties similar to other natural anti-oxidants like green tea and
grape seed extract. Green coffee beans have polyphenols which act to
help reduce free oxygen radicals in the body. Green coffee bean extract
is sometimes standardized to more than 50% Chlorogenic Acid. Chlorogenic
Acid is the compound present in coffee which has been long known as for
its beneficial properties. This active ingredient makes green coffee
bean an excellent agent to absorb free oxygen radicals; as well as
helping to avert hydroxyl radicals, both which contribute to degradation
of cells in the body.…