The condition of the compensating oil pump The compensation pump is the heart of the whole oil circuit system of the film compressor, and its role is to continuously transport the hydraulic oil needed to form oil pressure. If it fails, it will paralyze the entire oil system. The main faults are: 1); Compensation pump plunger stuck Compensation pump is a plunger pump, the gap between the plunger rod and the sleeve is very small, if the hydraulic oil is used for a long time or the filter is damaged, the dirt in the hydraulic oil will enter the pump body, causing the plunger to jam. At this time, the compensation oil pump should be cleaned to ensure that the plunger can move freely. 2); Compensation oil pump screen blockage Cleaning screen 3); The ball of the oil inlet and discharge valve is stuck or the seal is damaged Clean the inlet and discharge valves, ensure that the steel ball can move freely and carry out the kerosene leakage test, and there should be no leakage within one minute.…


An efficient gas compression equipment
This diaphragm compressor process is continuously repeated
Diaphragm compressor is a high purity compression device
Maintenance of the cylinder head is important
The main components of a diaphragm compressor
The maintenance and operation of diaphragm compressors
To determine whether diaphragms need to be replaced
The flywheel main function is to store energy
A crucial structural component in the diaphragm compressor
Corrosion-resistant vinyl recovery film press
Indispensable equipment in the field of gas compression
A continuous and stable air compressor

Permanent Machinery Co., Ltd.

Companies adhering to the'One hundred years of enterprise,milltary qualty,"the enterprise will be bu…

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