Armcoltherm 608 Thermal oil (-30℃~320℃) Armcoltherm is similar to Therminol L-60. Aromatic synthetic heat transfer fluids are an excellent alternative to mineral oils due to their low kinematic viscosity and low operating environments. It is suitable for atmospheric or low-pressure heating systems, and can provide efficient and stable heat transfer performance under atmospheric pressure.                                                                    


Mobiltherm 605 Substitutes 500 Heat Transfer Fluid
Dibenzyltoluene Heat Transfer Oil - Armcoltherm 690
Hydrogenated terphenyls Armcoltherm 680 Thermal Fluid
Marlotherm LH Alternative 650 Thermal oil
Marlotherm LH Substitute 650 Thermal oil for Refining
Armcoltherm LD Heat Transfer Fluid for Chiral Chemical
Therminol XP Substitutes Armcoltherm 600 Thermal Fluids
Alkylbenzene Heat Transfer Fluid Armcoltherm 550 Thermal oil
Dowtherm A Alternative 400 Thermal oils for Polyester

Heat Transfer Fluids

  Welcome to Armcoltherm Starting operations in 2003, Armcoltherm embarked on its journe…

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