How should the net section, effective net section, effective section, and gross section of structural components be understood?
Gross cross-section: does not deduct the cross-sectional area of holes, and does not consider the weakening of the cross-section by holes. The stability problem belongs to a holistic problem and can be calculated using the gross cross-sectional area.
Net cross-section: Deducting the cross-sectional area of the hole, taking into account the weakening effect of the hole on the cross-section. The tensile strength problem belongs to the problem of local cross-section, and is generally calculated using the net cross-sectional area.
Effective cross-section: Consider the post buckling strength but do not deduct the effective cross-sectional area of the hole. For cold-formed steel with a relatively large width and thickness, the effective area is generally used to consider the local post buckling strength issue.
Effective net section: Consi…