Two Problems in Steel Structures
What is the relationship between slenderness ratio and deflection?
Answer: 1. Deflection is the deformation of the component after loading, which is its displacement value. 2. The aspect ratio is used to indicate the stiffness of axially loaded components. The aspect ratio should be a material property. The stiffness of an axially loaded component, which is a property that any component possesses, can be measured by its aspect ratio. 3. Deflection and slenderness ratio are completely different concepts. Slenderness ratio is the ratio of the calculated length of a member to the radius of rotation of the cross-section. Deflection is the displacement value of a component at a certain point after being subjected to force.
What is a rigid tie and what is a flexible tie?
Answer: Rigid tie rods can be both compressed and tensioned, usually using double angle steel and circular tubes, while flexible tie rods can only be tensioned, usually using si…